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The World Bank Implementation Supporting Mission Day 2

The World Bank Regular Implementation Support Mission for I2Q Project continues. On September 7, the World Bank representatives held an online meeting with Tamar Tchkonia, the I2Q Project Early Childhood Education Component Lead.

At the meeting, Tamar Tchkonia overviewed ongoing and planned activities within the scope of the Component 1. She talked about the progress and achievements, such as ECE Diagnostic study, the inception report of which is already submitted to the PMU.

In her presentation, Tamar Tchkonia also mentioned that Draft of the Strategy and Action Plan is already developed and submitted by the short-term consultants hired within the I2Q Project.

Talking about the design stage of the upcoming capacity-building Tamar Tckonia emphasized that draft version of terms of reference are developed and submitted and the team is working on finalizing the document. The procurement is planned for March 2022.

As for 150 Schools for the introduction of revised modern and child-centered SRP Mrs. Tchkonia mentioned that initial long list selection criteria were developed and accepted by the MoES and the WB and will be further specified with equity consideration and submitted to the WB.

The I2Q project also works towards improving the access to preschool education for a successful transition to school starting with children in the School Readiness Program (SRP), aged 5-6-years-old. A baseline of 5-6-year old students’ enrollment rate will be determined according to valid sources.
