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ECE and Preschool Data Reporting to be Established

San Diego State University Research Foundation experts conduct complex activities in the ECE sector. They work on the establishment of a systematic and robust preschool data reporting and consolidation mechanism. The data reporting system will collect all the data relating to ECE and preschool institutions, students, caregivers, and caregiver pedagogues. Caregivers’ and caregiver-pedagogues’ professional development and remuneration will be displayed in the reporting system.


The data reporting system considers data types, sources, content, collection frequency, and other essential topics. Tamar Tchkonia, I2Q Project ECE component lead, and Dr. Teresa Lind – quality assurance and data reporting specialist, had an online meeting to discuss the abovementioned topics.


Dr. Teresa Lind and Ms. Tamar Tchkonia discussed the feedback from the Steering Group* regarding the data reporting system functional. 


Dr. Teresa Lind and Ms. Tamar Tchkonia also discussed the reflecting of necessary changes, collecting different types of data in the functional, designated persons, and other significant issues.


The data reporting system will be incorporated with the EMIS systems to strengthen intra- and intersectoral coordination for ECE in view of the fact that EMIS has long-standing experience in developing and managing the data reporting systems in different levels of education.

* The Steering Group consists of representatives of the I2Q MPU and the structural units of the Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia. In particular, the members are the representatives of the Preschool and General Education Department (MES), NCEQE, TPDC, and EMIS.