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CIF 2nd Call Winner HEIs Awarded with Certificates

Giorgi Amilakhvari, the Minister of Education, Science and Youth of Georgia awarded certificates to the representatives of HEIs who won the competitive Innovation Fund (CIF) second grant proposals.

The Competitive Innovation Fund (CIF) was created within the scope of the Innovation, Inclusion and Quality project. Based on the ranking and the budget available 14 proposals will be funded in the second grant competition. A total of 2.2 million US dollars will be awarded within the framework of the second CIF grant competition.

CIF aims at public Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) and the consortia projects encouraging cooperation between the public and private HEIs targeting specific development and innovation issues. The strategic objective of the CIF is to foster the modernization of higher education programs and learning environments and strengthen the labor market linkages.

Within the scope of the two calls for proposals of CIF, 27 grant projects are funded. It should be mentioned, that CIF grant proposals support such initiatives of higher education as internalization, cooperation between the HEIs, the third mission, and consolidation of the local resources. 
