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Mikheil Chkhenkeli: “Cooperation with International Donor Organizations to Continue in Round Table Format”

Mikheil Chkhenkeli Minister of Education, Science, Culture and Sport hosted international donor organizations supporting Ministry in implementing several significant education projects. European Union, the World Bank, Asian Development Bank, UNICED, USAID, GIZ, British Council and other international organizations’ representatives attended the meeting.

The World Bank will implement the project worth 102.7 million dollars. Innovation, Inclusion and Quality project will support booting the human capital, improving the access to early childhood, ensuring quality education and learning environment.

Within the scope of meeting Soren Nellemann, the World Bank representative held a presentation of new Innovation, Inclusion and Quality Project that will support the enhancement of education quality in Georgia.

At the meeting Mikheil Chkhenkeli spoke about the ongoing reforms in education system and noticed the importance of international donor organizations’ support and participation.

Mikheil Chkhenkeli: “We held very motivating meeting with international donor organizations participating in education reform. We discussed one of the most important projects jointly implemented with the World Bank. The financing of the project is 102.7 million dollars and it will include improvement of educational infrastructure as well as enhancement of the quality of the education.

We offered to donor organizations to continue our productive cooperation in round table format. It will encourage them to work in a coordinated way for enhancement of Georgian education system”.