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Sebastian Molineus: We are Extremely Pleased to Announce the Launch of the New Project between Georgia and the World Bank

Mikheil Chkhenkeli Minister of Education, Science, Culture and Sport and Sebastian Molineuss, the World Bank South Caucasus Regional Director announced the launch of new project – Innovation, Inclusion and Quality. The I2Q Project worth 102.7 million dollars aims to boost the quality of human capital by strengthening and promoting 21st century skills and mindsets required to increase productivity, innovation, and competitiveness. Minister addressed the public and talked about the outcomes I2Q Project will deliver to Georgian education system.

Sebastian Molineus: The World Bank South Caucasus Regional Director: “We are extremely pleased to announce the launch of the new project – Innovation, Inclusion and quality. I think this project will deliver important outcomes and support the Ministry to implement reforms.

The I2Q Project aims to enhance quality, improve teacher qualification as qualified and motivated teachers have important role in education system, and infrastructure of educational institutions and technical equipment. Within the scope of project 60 schools will be rehabilitated using modern standards. Also, new schools will be built. The project considers using modern technologies in schools.

I want to express my gratitude to Georgian Government for the reform that considers annual growth of education budget. It means that government supports  boosting human capital. Also, I want to thank Mr. Mikheil Chkhenkeli, Minister of Education, Science, Culture and Sports for leading this project”.

I2Q Project worth 102.7 million dollars aims developing human capital in Georgia and it consists of five main components: Improving Quality of and Access to Early Childhood Education (ECE); Fostering Quality Teaching and Learning in General Education: Strengthening Financing Options and Promoting Internationalization in Higher Education; System Strengthening and Stakeholder Communication; Supporting Project Management, Monitoring and Evaluation.

For the next six years projects infrastructural component includes building five new schools, rehabilitating about 60 schools and implementing of revised and improved school readiness programs in preschool. The direct beneficiaries include a total of about 116,000 students in project-supported schools.