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Work on School Infrastructural standards in Progress


On August 17, 2022, a working meeting was held to discuss the draft of school infrastructure standards. Within the scope of the I2Q Project and the World Bank support and national, modern standards for construction are being developed. GIB – the consultant company selected by the tender is working actively on standards with stakeholder engagement considering their interests. The feedback of the stakeholders is represented if the draft standards.


Almost all stakeholders attended the working meeting. The topics discussed included the mandatory spaces, requirements, and recommendations, security, sanitary and hygiene, and other critical issues.


The draft version of the framework document shall be reviewed and discussed with the MES and its structural units. As soon as internal works are completed, the discussion of the standards shall be held with the commission, composed of the members from relevant sectoral Ministries, to consider competent opinions.


The new standards are based on concrete educational requirements and will be adjusted to the national curriculum. The new standards will regulate architectural/construction issues and define the mandatory spaces, requirements, and recommendations.


The new standards envisage the new concept of integrating preschool and primary education infrastructurally and in respect of the content.


As soon as inner works are done relevant working group staffed with the sectoral Ministry’s representatives shall discuss the infrastructural standards.
