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Pilot Training Cycle in Dedoplistskaro and Akhalkalaki for Professional Development of Kindergarten Managers and Caregivers

Professional development of administrative and educational personnel of kindergartens is one of the essential directions of the I2Q project’s early education component. With the support of the World Bank, active work is underway to improve early and preschool education in Georgia.

International and local experts from San Diego State University prepared training modules in cooperation with the I2Q project for the professional development of kindergarten personnel. Starting in March 2024, a training cycle is being held gradually in six pilot municipalities, led by qualified local experts in early and preschool education.

On May 21, 2024, Tamar Chkonia – the I2Q Project Early Childhood Education component lead, visited Dedoplistkaro Municipality and got familiarized with the progress of the training. Ms. Chkonia talked to the training participants about the agenda issues and the expected outcomes of the ECE professional development training. Elizabeth Steed, Ph.D. of San Diego State University, visited Georgia to observe the ongoing training cycle. Professor Steed introduced the trainees to the training objectives and the module development processes.

The training modules include a practical part, which means supporting the practical implementation of the knowledge gained during the training – the trainers will mentor the educational personnel in the educational process in kindergartens.

The knowledge gained during the training will help the managers of kindergartens to implement educational and educational processes and child-oriented approaches. After the training, the administrative personnel of kindergartens will share their experience with educators and support them to develop the best practices. Trainings in Dedoplistskaro and Akhalkalaki municipalities will end on May 29. In total, from both municipalities, up to 30 administrative personnel and educators of all public kindergartens will be trained.

Pilot training has already been conducted in the Gori, Zugdidi, Vani, and Lanchkhuti municipalities.
