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An Authorization Simulation Visit to the Gori #1 Kindergarten

In the direction of early and preschool education, within the framework of the I2Q project, activities supporting the authorization of kindergartens are carried out. The National Center for Educational Quality Development and San Diego State University international and local experts lead the activities. The experts with representatives of the National Center for the Development of Education Quality paid the first pilot visit to the 1st Kindergarten of Gori. Curriculum, quality assurance, nutrition, sanitation and hygiene experts visited the kindergarten. Following the authorization procedures, experts got acquainted with the provided documentation on-site. They conducted interviews with the administration of the kindergarten, as well as with responsible persons and educational staff.

San Diego State University professors Nancy Frey and Jim Marshall supervised the authorization pilot process.

The reports prepared based on the pilot authorization visits will be reviewed by the authorization board in a simulated manner. There will be no legal consequences for simulated visits and authorization boards. All information obtained during the simulated authorization visit is confidential and not subject to public disclosure. Its purpose is to reveal the possibilities of kindergartens and to strengthen them.

With the support of the World Bank, the I2Q project continues to support the preparation of kindergartens for authorization. On October 1-2 this year, in cooperation with the National Center for the Development of Education Quality, a simulation session of the authorization board will be held.