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IBF International’s Team of Experts Successfully Continues Improving the Quality of General Education

IBF International’s Team of Experts Successfully Continues Improving the Quality of General Education

Within the scope of the I2Q project, the ongoing work to improve the quality of

Tbilisi State Conservatoire Successfully Implements the CIF1 Winning Project

Tbilisi State Conservatoire Successfully Implements the CIF1 Winning Project

LEPL—Vano Sarajishvili Tbilisi State Conservatoire received the first grant from the Competitive Innovation Fund (CIF)

An Updated School Readiness Program will be Introduced in the Lanchkhuti Public School #3

An Updated School Readiness Program will be Introduced in the Lanchkhuti Public School #3

Ms. Tamar Chkonia, the I2Q Project Early Education Component Lead, visited Lanchkhuti Public School #3

The New Academic Year has Started

The New Academic Year has Started

Innovation, Inclusion and Quality Project is being implemented in Georgia with the support of the

Experts from San Diego State University Presented the Completed Work to the Steering Group

Experts from San Diego State University Presented the Completed Work to the Steering Group

San Diego State University experts presented the completed work to the steering group during their

ECE Data Management System is being Piloted Successfully

ECE Data Management System is being Piloted Successfully

San Diego State University, within the I2Q Project, with the support of the World Bank,

SDSU experts have an introductory meeting with the director of the National Center for Education Quality Enhancement

SDSU experts have an introductory meeting with the director of the National Center for Education Quality Enhancement

The director of the National Center for Education Quality Development, Mr. Aleksandre Tsuladze, recently met

SDSU Experts Visit to Georgia Started

SDSU Experts Visit to Georgia Started

Professor Douglas Fisher and Professor James Marshall from San Diego State University are visiting Georgia

BSMA – Implementation of teaching mechatronic systems at Undergraduate (Bachelor’s) and Master’s learning levels and also at Vocational levels in educational programs of BSMA

BSMA – Implementation of teaching mechatronic systems at Undergraduate (Bachelor’s) and Master’s learning levels and also at Vocational levels in educational programs of BSMA

LEPL Batumi Maritime Academy (BSMA) has received the first grant from the Competitive Innovation Fund

STEAM Extracurricular Program will be Implemented in 200 schools of Georgia by the end of 2024

STEAM Extracurricular Program will be Implemented in 200 schools of Georgia by the end of 2024

The I2Q Project envisages the implementation of a STEAM extracurricular program in schools, the purpose