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IBF International’s Team of Experts Successfully Continues Improving the Quality of General Education

Within the scope of the I2Q project, the ongoing work to improve the quality of teaching and learning in general education are progressing successfully. The project is led by an international consortium, headed by the consulting company IBF International.

The team at IBF International, consisting of international experts from various fields, is working on implementing and expanding programs aimed at enhancing school capacity, supporting the professional development of teachers and school administration, and advancing the national assessment system.

IBF International team of experts led by John Henly visited Georgia on a working visit. On September 19, Khatia Tsiramua, the I2Q Project General Education Component Lead, held a meeting with the experts. The purpose of the meeting was to agree on the details of events related to school improvement, continuous formative assessment of students, and the development of the national assessment system. Events are scheduled for the fall of 2024.