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  • English

Second Grant Competition

Synthesis and Research of Bioorganic Products

Beneficiary: LEPL – Sokhumi State University

Project Name: Synthesis and Research of Bioorganic Products

Implementation Dates: 01/06/2024 – 01/06/2025

Total Project Cost: 281,400 GEL

Grant Amount: 272,958 GEL



The goal of the project is to improve the laboratories and material-technical base, to purchase tools and equipment, to arrange the base of the bio-organic chemistry laboratory, to use modern teaching methods in teaching, to introduce a post-doctorate system in teaching and research. All of this will contribute to bringing educational programs closer to international standards, improving employment rates in the labor market and eliminating gender imbalance in the fields of science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) in the educational system. It should also be noted that the key issue of the project is the synthesis and research of biologically and physiologically active new types of allylated thiosaccharides and nitroso derivatives, which will be performed with the tools and equipment available in the organic and physical chemistry laboratory of the Sukhumi State University.



In frames of the project, it is planned to allocate a laboratory space and equip it with appropriate tools and equipment, computer equipment and office furniture. Long-term trainings necessary for the research of bio-organic compounds will be conducted, as well as the rules for managing the equipment purchased within the project will be studied. After the completion of the mentioned trainings, in order to achieve the main goals of the project, scientific research will be conducted using laboratory equipment and scientific articles will be published based on the obtained results.



The implementation of the project is not associated with risks, since the executors of the project have extensive experimental experience in the direction of synthesis of bio-organic compounds. The creation of a bioorganic chemistry laboratory with research instruments and office equipment purchased for the development of the doctoral program “Bioorganic Chemistry” is important for maintaining the sustainability of the research results within the project and for systematizing the good practices acquired after the end of the project, because the equipment and tools purchased for the complete research of bioorganic compounds will be used effectively, in order to fulfill the scientific-research component after the completion of the project on a new way of searching for other biologically and physiologically active medicinal drugs within the doctoral program “Bioorganic Chemistry”. With the involvement of a post-doctorate researcher in the project, it will be possible to introduce the post-doctorate system in the educational system. The postdoctoral student participating in the project will be able to adequately use the knowledge and skills acquired within the project in different contexts in the scientific arena, in the creation of intellectual property and in the career development of the scientist. The research results of the work carried out within the project will contribute to the creation of a competitive research environment, the development of innovative research, their approach to international standards, the integration of the research process with the educational process of higher educational institutions, and the increase of the scientific potential of young scientists by involving them in research, all of which will increase the possibility of obtaining both internal and external funding in the future.