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Mikheil Chkhenkeli Held Working Meeting with the World Bank Regional Director

Mikheil Chkhenkeli, the Minister of Education and Science of Georgia held working meeting with Sebastian Molineuss, the World Bank South Caucasus Regional Director. They discussed current issues of Innovation, Inclusion and Quality Project and other further plans of education in Georgia.

Mikheil Chkhenkeli thanked Sebastian Molineus for productive cooperation and noted that the World Bank has been one of the main partners for MoESCS for years and with its support several successful projects have been implemented in Georgian education system.

Minister said than nevertheless the ongoing challenges Innovation, Inclusion and Quality Project worth 102,7 million US dollars, was not paused. On the contrary, pandemic situation revealed the needs of the system and the importance of implementing technologies in schools among them. Ministry has already been working on it for years, but the inevitable need of implementing distance learning accelerated the process.

Mikheil Chkhenkeli informed Sebastian Molineus about Steering Committee decisions and acting plan that considers returning of the learning process to classes in general education institutions.

Minister said that during pandemic special attention was paid to formative assessment model. And the complex e-recourses will be designed for the creative thinking development in students.

The sides also spoke about improving the access of quality education and enhancing the teachers’ career development.

Talking about the vocational education Mikheil Chkhenkeli said that in the process of improving quality and access to vocational education international support  is the most important part. Minister said that in order to achieve the effective results, Ministry ensures coordinating cooperation with donor organizations.

Mikheil Ckhenkeli spoke about high education financing new model and said that public discussing will start in the nearest future. The new options for higher education financing include performance-based funding to reflect strategic priorities of the Government.

Sebastian Molieus noticed that Innovation, Inclusion and Quality Project is being implemented in the right way and expressed his readiness to continue supporting challenges in Georgian education system.

Ekaterine Dgebuadze, the first deputy minister and Nino Kutateladze, the World Bank’s senior education specialist were attending the meeting.